Marion, Williams Unlikely to Join Mavs?

On if there is still chance Shawn Marion could re-sign with Dallas:

(Mavericks GM Donnie) Nelson: “Well (Shawn Marion) ‘Trix is just like we’ve talked about with (Jason Terry) JET and Dirk — we don’t sip from the cup without Shawn Marion so absolutely you never close the door. Now, his value in the marketplace is much higher than what we have right now, and so I would categorize that as a long long long long long shot. But kind of like Vince, there’s opportunities and the really good agents are going to get their guy their values. And Shawn Marion’s got one of the best in the business, if not thee best, so I expect he’s going to get  a lot more money out there than the Mavericks can afford to offer right now.”

On Mo Williams potentially coming to the Mavericks:

Nelson: “Yeah we’ve been trying to figure out a way to get Mo in a Maverick uniform for years now. He’s a Dallas guy, from Memphis but live in Dallas with his family, so we’re hopeful that we can work something out but again our hands are tied right now because of the Parsons thing of what we can do financially. All these guys, whether it’s Mo, whether it’s ‘Trix, in all reality they’re going to have to take a payout to come here. It’s just how much of a pay cut are guys willing to look at and we’re understanding and respectful of the market place and there’s other places that may have more playing time and more financial flexibility that we do, but we would love for both of those guys to continue to consider us.”

via The Dallas Morning News