AGA issues scathing response to proposed federal sports betting advertising ban

The American Gaming Association (AGA) has issued a statement lambasting Rep. Tonko’s proposed Betting on our Future Act. The proposal, modeled on the  Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act seeks to change the law by ‘making it unlawful to advertise a sportsbook on any medium of electronic communication subject to jurisdiction of the Federal Communications […]

Ollie Ring  •  13 Feb 2023
NBA opts in to AGA’s ‘Have a Game Plan. Bet Responsibly’ campaign

The National Basketball Association (NBA) has agreed to join the American Gaming Association’s responsible gaming campaign called ‘Have A Game Plan. Bet Responsibly‘. The agreement will see the AGA and NBA provide educational resource to the sports fans on the ‘fundamentals of responsible sports wagering’ by providing turnkey resources for use by all of the […]

Ollie Ring  •  30 Jan 2023