
Carmelo Sets Scoring Record for Knicks

Carmelo Anthony arrived at the Garden more subdued than usual, more focused. Teammates were concerned. Nobody realized he was about to have the loudest, most historic night of his career and the most prolific game any Knick or the Garden ever had seen.

One game after it appeared his frustration level had hit a new low, Anthony made Friday a magical, memorable evening by scoring a franchise and Garden record 62 points, topping his idol Bernard King and Kobe Bryant, respectively.

“It still feels surreal to me — no better feeling than having that feeling tonight on this home court,’’ said Anthony, whose young son, Kiyan joined him in the giddy locker room. “The fans, I haven’t heard them like that since last year. It was good to get that feeling back.’’

via Marc Berman of the New York Post