
Joel Embiid Says Knee was Healthier than Originally Thought


Joel Embiid is lounging on the couch in a private home in Pacific Palisades, spinning yarns about hunting lions, offering reviews of his favorite television movies and showing a visitor how he can flex his left knee without any pain. There’s no brace, no crutches, and, he says, no problem with his left knee, which was surgically repaired on March 24.

“I feel very lucky,” he said, in his first public comments since his operation to repair a meniscus tear. “When I went into that surgery, I went in thinking I was going to have a six-month recovery. That’s what they told me: six months or more. I’m thinking, ‘No, not again.’ “When they did the MRI [before the surgery], it looked like my meniscus was fully torn. But when they got it in there, they realized that wasn’t the case. It really turned out to be nothing, just a small, little thing. So that’s very good.”

Source: Jackie MacMullan of ESPN