
Mike Brown Late to Game Two, Pulled Over by Police

Acting Warriors coach Mike Brown had a legitimate excuse for his late arrival at Oracle Arena for Game 2 of the Western Conference finals. Brown was driving in front of the Spurs team bus at a freeway exit, along with his son Cam — a huge fan of Spurs coach Gregg Popovich — and a couple of friends in his SUV on Tuesday. Initially, Brown was ushered through several red lights without having to stop, but then multiple officers on motorcycles yelled for Brown to hold up.

Even after he offered this: “I’m, like, ‘Warriors acting coach,”’ he said, pointing to the logo on his shirt. “He’s like, ‘I don’t care. Hey, you, stop!”’ At the final red light before he reached the gates to the stadium parking lots, Brown’s luck ran out.

Source: ESPN