
Brad Stevens: Chris Johnson Plays Hungry

“Chris (Johnson) was very hungry,” (Coach Brad) Stevens said. “It’s an amazing thing, and I talked to him in (the locker room) about it. The challenge is to stay hungry at this level. Because a lot of guys have made it and done really, really well for themselves, and are the highest achievers that there are in basketball. And then you get a guy that comes in and he’s really hungry to try to be a part of that.

“Man, he was good tonight. He was really good tonight. Not just on the scoring side of things, on the stats side of things, but he made a ton of plays defensively that were just good, smart plays.”

Added Brandon Bass, “He showed a lot of energy, a lot of hunger. If he keeps playing like that, he’ll have a future in this league.”

via Jay King of The Republican