
Gay on Weight Loss: ‘I feel like a guard again’

Rudy Gay is in favor of this playing faster concept.

His offseason was spent preparing to do so.

“I had to lose a lot of weight,” Gay said. “I put on a lot of unnecessary weight. I feel good now. I feel lighter, I feel quicker.”

“One of the emphasises coming into camp last year with Toronto was me playing the stretch four and putting on the weight was one of those things,” Gay said. “It didn’t turn out very well so I had to drop it. Now I feel like a guard again.”

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2014/10/06/6763270/a-lighter-rudy-gay-is-ready-to.html#mi_rss=Kings/NBA#storylink=cpy

via Jason Jones of The Sacramento Bee