
Grousbeck: We Won’t Beg Players to Come to Boston


The Celtics won’t beg players to come to Boston, rather relying on the reputation of the organization and the current framework in place to build a contender as their selling points.

“This whole thing that we have to beg people and we have our hat in our hand and we’re telling people to please come; well if you don’t want to be a Boston Celtic, you’re not going to be a Boston Celtic. We’re not going to drag you here. We want you to be here and we want you to choose us. You’ve got a chance potentially to join a team that is on the way back, hopefully, to being a contender. Hopefully in not very long. We actually want people asking us to possibly consider them.” (Celtics Owner Wyc) Grousbeck said.

via Jared Weiss of CLNS Radio CelticsBlog