
Joakim Noah Recruiting Carmelo Anthony

All-Star Convo btwn @carmeloanthony & @JoakimNoah began as discussion on what it’s like to play for Tom Thibodeau…

(Con’t) With rumors about Bulls going 4 Melo as well as Thibs coaching NYK, Melo wanted to know about Thibs….

(Con’t) from there, convo turned to Noah telling Melo he should join Bulls if he wants to win ring & secure winning legacy…..

(Con’t) Melo responded to Noah that he admires how hard Bulls play & how hungry they are. Also told him his son’s favorite player is D-Rose

I’m told D-Rose would love for Melo to join Bulls as well. If Bulls ask Rose to help recruit, he will

Sources add tho that it’ll be hard for Melo to turn down the $ and leave NYK

via Chris Broussard of ESPN on Twitter