
Kevin Love: ‘Silly’ to Speculate on Future

Add in the fact that his Timberwolves team that looked so promising early on is on track to miss for the playoffs for the sixth time in six tries since (Kevin) Love came to town, and it’s the perfect storm of projecting that he would rather avoid altogether. Every sound byte becomes a story, every insinuation by him a declaration by them.

“If I say that I like Charlotte, or I say, ‘Oh yeah, Charlotte’s a great city; I love spending some time there,’ then all of a sudden I’m going to Charlotte,” Love said while — memo to Bobcats fans — picking a hypothetical, not to mention unlikely, example. “Anything I say is going to be a misconception or be sort of a headline. To me, it’s silly because, yeah sure, it’s brought up, it crosses my mind. But in a way I just try to put that aside. It’s just a question that’s always going to be brought up. Really, I would love to not talk about it and focus on winning right now with the team I’m on.”

via Sam Amick of USA TODAY Sports