
Market For Chris Bosh May Be Tough


The majority of front office people who gave their (anonymous, obviously) thoughts on Bosh believed that while there would be interest in him, it would be hard for any team to go after him because it would be so hard to find a doctor who would pass him on a physical.

“There will be interest, but the health risks outweigh the upside for most organizations,” one Western Conference executive said.

“There will surely be interest, but it may be hard to find a doctor that will clear him,” an Eastern Conference executive said.

“I don’t see how medical people will want to sign off and clear him,” another Western executive said. “Unless something has changed with his health recently … I don’t know of a team that would want to take that type of a risk. If something were to tragically happen, it’s hard to recover form that. Very unfortunate.”

“There will be (interest) if his medical checks out ok, which seems doubtful at this point,” another Western Conference exec said.

Source: David Aldridge of NBA.com