Paul George tells story that proves Steve Adams is a true basketball warrior: ‘He’s different’


If there’s one player you know for sure you don’t wanna mess with in the paint, is Grizzlies center Steven Adams. The New Zealander has a great reputation for not only being one of the best defensive players of recent years, but also as strong as a bull. 

Back when he started off in the NBA with the Thunder, he paired up with Paul George and became one of the most powerful duos of the 2010 decade. The current Clippers star went on his “Podcast P” platform and recalled many interesting anecdotes during their spell together in Oklahoma.

His former teammate began the segment by calling Steve “one of the best people in the world”, right before sharing some crazy stories back when they shared the basketball court.

One time, the Thunder needed to stop a game but didn’t have any timeouts left. This didn’t stop Adams from finding a resourceful way to cease the play, and began to scratch his face until he started to bleed. This way, the officials would have to stop the match for a medical check.

“We was playing late in the game,” George recalled. “We needed a timeout but we didn’t have any.”

“So I’m looking at Steve and he’s doing this – scratching his face hard as f*ck. I’m like ‘Steve, what you doing?’. He’s like ‘oh mate, we don’t have a timeout, I’m tryna bleed,” the point guard said as everyone around burst in amazement.

“I respect it,” George then added, just as his guest Jaren Jackson Jr. also shared more stories about Adam’s power, as he’s currently his teammate in Memphis.

“The dude’s a warrior,” the Clippers player insisted. “He’ll get hit and be like ‘oh, it’s fine’… he’s one of the best teammates.”

JJJ proceded to imitate Steve in that particular situation. “‘Just twisted my ankle a little bit’,” he joked around.”‘Just broke my leg, it’s fine’.”

Take a look at the latest episode of “Podcast with P”, as George also talks with Jackson Jr. about guarding stars and the reality in Memphis after Morant’s latest controversy:

To finish off the segment about Adams, George gives him the final praise. “He goes down as one of my favourite teammates,” he assured. “Just a great human being.”

Jaren Jackson Jr. compared his workout routines with Adam’s, saying his teammate does it all on his own

Not even the 2022/23 Defensive Player of the Year can compare his workout routines with the New Zealander athlete.

When asked to share an anecdote about Adams, the Memphis star surprised all by stating that he does all his workouts by himself.

“You know how everyone has trainers and their own programs? This man works out himself, he trains himself, he rehabs himself, he lifts himself,” JJJ said. “People just watch him lift. People help me but I just see people looking at him like he is at the zoo.”

Earlier this year, George even went on to say that he didn’t remember Adams ever lifting weights, which makes you wonder how is this man so massive!