
DeMarre Carroll: All I Needed Was a Chance to Play

(Atlanta Hawks DeMarre) Carroll is pulling down $2.5 million this season while averaging 18.4 points, 6.6 rebounds and 2.4 assists through seven playoff games.

He’s a poor man’s Kawhi Leonard or Draymond Green, operating at a much lower profile than those X-factors all season but giving (so far) roughly the same performance for his team in the playoffs. Like Leonard and Green, Carroll must often must guard the other team’s top scorer and score and shoot well enough himself to keep from being a liability. Carroll did this well enough during the season and raised his game accordingly this spring, to the point where he was often the Hawks’ best player against the Brooklyn Nets in the first round.

“I always felt I could play this way if given the chance,” he said. “All I ever wanted was to prove myself and show that I can help my team on both ends. I have that chance now.”

via Shaun Powell of NBA.com/Hawks